Birth, Life, Death

jag är bara tvungen att dela med mig av detta! Helt underbara saker. 
om ni sett den och undrar lite så är de värsta scenerna censurerade :)
kommentar på you tube:

@spashley4eva0 It's about how society is totally okay with violence. But, they're so against sex and anything similiar to it. Everyone is pro-war and get more guns. Kill kill kill! While, sex is inappropriate and awkward and impolite to discuss. When sex is beautiful because it is the creation of life and love; violence and war cause death, destruction, and hideousness.
och här är vad de säger i filmen:

Spanish: "Este triste corazon esta en punto de convertirse en llamas"
English: "This sad heart is about to turn into flames."

There is a fire inside of this heart in a riot about to explode into flames

French: "Abandonnez tous vos sens au plaisir, qu'il soit le seul dieu de votre
existence et c'est a lui seul qu'une jeune fille doit tout sacrifier, et rien a ses
yeux ne doit etre aussi sacre que le plaisir"
English: "Leave all your senses to pleasure, it must be the only god of your
existence and this is to him that a young girl has to sacrifice everything, and
nothing in her eyes must be as sacred as pleasure."

These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die like fire and
powder which as they kiss consume

French: "la vertu n'est toujours pas la plus sure et il y a des circonstances dans le monde ou la complexite d'un crime est preferable a la delation"
English: "Virtue is not always the safest, and in the world, there are circumstances when complexity of a crime is preferable to informing."

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before..


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